Supatrax work with young people, their families and partner organisations to break down barriers to learning and social engagement. We provide innovative ways to empower young people and develop their skills so they can further empower others around them and go on to better their career prospects.
Working predominantly (but not solely) with media (video, music, photography etc) we teach young people the necessary skills to get them going on the right path for further engagement and employment.
Some of our Core Services

CSE (Child Sexual Expliotation)
Specialising in on-line and media oreintated Child Sexual Exploitation. Working with boys, girls, parents, schools and service providers.

Hard to Reach
With the vast knowledge of our team and the use of media, music, video or sports, we have an excellent success rate with hard to reach young people.

Youth Engagement
Via outreach sessions and partnership working we engage young people effectively and keep them engaged.

Creative Media
We work with industry standard technology such as iMac, iPads, Tablets, DJ equipment, laptops, SLR Cameras, Mics, Lens etc.

ASB - Anti Social Behaviour
We get to the root of the issues and create interventions to combat the problems, short and long term.

DJ/Media Workshops
Whether it's an open day or a long term course. we can tailor a media or music solution to meet your needs.